Friday, March 30, 2012

22. [called it!]

I have always had this innate ability to manipulate men. Even when I was younger, considerably less attractive, heavier, and so embarrassingly awkward, I was still pulling guys waaaay above my station. They were rich, or hot, or well-connected, or all three. I think even then, before I committed to sugar dating, I had already established my standards. I created a sort of enigma about myself...who is this girl and why is she only dating this type of guy and why is she so special and would she try me out?

It was sugar economics. I kept my supply limited, so I was in high demand.

I also was usually the one to end things. I would get bored, or lose interest, or his true colors would come out and I'd decide it's time to leave. I would be amicable enough, but I would always leave a small trace of cruelty - a hint of "it's-not-me-it's-you" to the parting, and always, always, ALWAYS did these big, puffed-up, prideful men come running back.

Guess who is no exception to the rule?

When CC and I had our falling out, I told him not to contact me, that he knew what I was looking for, how old I was, and questioned his willingness and ability to please (along with his reading comprehension). I thanked him for everything, and also told him that for someone who wanted to take so many risks, he was sure playing it so insanely safe that had we continued, I probably would have been bored anyway, and that maybe he is too old for adventure.

Now, let me just say, playing bad cop is a tricky game to master. I have fucked up a lot along the way, and I do not recommend it for the faint of heart or to those who are desperate. I personally view men as superfluous and expendable objects. They're like the hydra. Chop one head off and two new ones pop up in its place. I am ruled by logic and lust - the meeting of numbers and sex. I am definitely not gonna cry if I cut one guy off and he never comes back. That's the risk you run when you play with cruelty. Either you scare them off or get them addicted.

I live by this quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (which is actually a shitty play and probably his worst work...but the quote is nice):

I think I wounded CC a bit. Well, a lot more than a bit. I think I majorly shook him up. He wants to know that he's still got "it", that he isn't easily replaceable, that he could still drive a younger woman crazy. He's seeking validation. I am never quick to give that.

Men pursue us because they have a lack, a void. They have an innate NEED that is not being met. I'm not saying starve them to death, but take your time. Fill them up slowly. By the time you have them near the brim, you have already sunk your claws so deep that you become synonymous with the cure for what ails them. They need YOU, not the other way around.

CC called me yesterday, apologized for his bad behavior, and asked if he could take me to Vegas for my birthday. He also sent me some lovely apology gifts, and I miss his head bobbing between my legs, so I think I will give him another shot. He now knows what caliber of woman he is dealing with. I have set a precedent with my expectations and what I will put up with now. I am not going to beg or grovel or exist solely to appease someone. My needs come first. Meet my expectations and I will meet your needs - if you're worthy.

On another note, I am going on a date with a MAJOR POT tonight. SEND ME GOOD VIBES AND GOOD LUCK. 

I didn't have a chance to meet with one of my other ones last week, but the one I did meet with sent me home with a nice spoonful of sugar and a potential business deal. 

I love my life.

Friday, March 23, 2012

21. [meh]

Finance guy was a bust. Boring. Dull. Dry. Eh.

The other guy I went on a date with was also pretty meh. He was super into me but I was just not feelin it. At all. I'm also pretty sure he exaggerated his means. This is an epidemic. I call it the

                                                BLAIR WITCH DADDY!

On the surface, everything seems legit. It sounds true. There are no obvious reasons to distrust, question, doubt. You go into it thinking "This is going to be great!"

I look at everything. It's like looking at a diamond under a microscope. From far away, it may seem shiny and bright, but under that magnification, you can see all the nicks and blemishes and discolorations and suddenly, that diamond is not looking so perfect after all.

What kind of car does a man drive? That says a lot. Make and model and year? Mileage? Lease or own?
What brand of clothes? Are his shoes worn or well-maintained?
Is he well-groomed? Where does he get his hair cut? What is his daily routine when it comes to maintenance? Favorite products? Oral hygiene?
What kind of phone does he have?
What area does he live in? Rent or own?
What places does he like to go to? Favorite restaurants? Hotspots?
Always google. ALWAYS. Names, emails, companies...verification is the name of the game!

As a sugar baby, I feel it is my duty to be nosy. I'm supposed to financially pry into these men. I have to make sure they can give me what they say they can. Both parties have standards. If I meet yours yet you don't meet mine, was nice knowing you. Deuces!

That's exactly what happened to homeboy. He was nice enough, but nice enough doesn't do it for me. Sorry that I'm not sorry, bye!


Mr. Slattery lookalike is spending the night tomorrow while bf is at some convention in nasty Texas. I'm so excited! I'm such a sucker for lust.

Also, Monday I have a date with my BIGGEST pot to date. This guy is in everything. Finance, real estate, media, design...I better pull this one! Wish me luck :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

20. [GET IT]

Best date ever last night.

Not a sugar daddy, but a man who could give me everything my heart desires and more. I love my bf, but he is still so immature. He just doesn't do it for me sometimes. Most of the time. He's too needy for me. I need someone a little more independent.

So anyway, I met him on AM. Recently separated, wife found someone new, etc etc.
We meet at this really awesome little Italian place. SO delicious mmm. And swanky :)
Chemistry is INSANE. He invites me back for a movie. We all know what movie is code for haha.

His head game had me saying "CC WHO?!" I have never cum so hard, so fast. And he was lovin it. We did it 4 times in the span of like 12 hours. Just phenomenal. A triathlete investor sexy smart yum yum yum! Looks like John Slattery but hotter :)

Future ex-husband potential FOR SURE!

This weekend I have two big dates planned. One with ex-wall street major player, the other with a sexy sexy sexy tall tennis pro. Maybe even one more with a big finance guy :) We'll see. I'm so excited.

the world is way too good to me...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

19. [a treatise on sugar daddies]

Sugar dating is like regular dating, minus the bullshit.

We date because we want something from someone. We want someone to meet our needs, whether financial or emotional or social etc;
You are attracted to someone because they have something you don't. I am attracted to established men with wealth, because I am not at that point in my life yet.

I've met with a few men in the past week. One just could not realize that I was not in this to be his real girlfriend. Um, my profile clearly states...whatever.

He had his black amex, too. He cancelled my flight, didn't give me any sugar, and put me up in a hotel. And why? I wouldn't put out.

We have an arrangement. You and I have something worked out. I want your money. You want company from a gorgeous girl who would otherwise pass you right by without so much as a sencond glance if not for the thickness of your wallet. It's EASY and EASIER to figure out.

You don't hold up your end of the bargain and guess what? I don't hold up mine.

I don't understand what is so hard to understand, and to be honest, I don't really care. I find it DISGUSTING to potentially strand a poor girl in a place she's never been because you didn't get your way - because YOU DIDN'T MEET YOUR END OF THE DEAL.

He's lucky it was me, honestly. Most girls sugar dating don't have the means to take care of a situation like this...imagine if it would have been a sugar sister on her first heart breaks because I am sure there were many girls who found themselves in just this situation with no way out.

He needs to be punched in the face and removed from the sugar yesterday.

I'm not trying to fuck you because I care about you or have feelings for you or want to marry you. I'm trying to fuck you because of the lifestyle you have and the lifestyle you could potentially provide for me. I could give a fuck about your boring stories or your lectures or your childhood problems. Sucks that your dad's dead, whatever, but that doesn't make it okay for you to treat me or anyone else like crap, or make me emotionally obligated to you. I could give a fuck about the motivations behind your success or the issues or the implications. I am here for one thing and one thing only: to reap the benefits.

If I am not reaping, you are not sowing. Simple as that. I'm not your fucking therapist. Take your problems to someone who cares.

Also, you're not hot. At all. Lumpy face and misrepresentation of yourself. You don't have the luxury of being an asshole.

And I'm beyond glad I always save 1/2 of my sugar...

PS - starting to think the Black Amex is the kiss of death for sugar...hmmm...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

18. [LAWD]

I have a lot to update you guys on! I miss y'all :(
I hope you guys are having awesome luck...I am having an amazing streak!
I'm super busy this week, so I'll sit down and write it all out later.
Been getting some weird messages, though. Think I'll share these in the meantime. Laugh with me!


SO SO SO what you're telling me is this is fate? This is destiny? We are meant to be? So meant to be that you can't even pay 50$ for a damn subscription so you can have your own damn profile and we can communicate freely? Something in the milk ain't clean and I really do not care enough to find out what's wrong with you, but I went to your site and you look like a gotdayum roided-out Frank the Entertainer from I Love New York. PASS.
Also your Law Enforcement bosses probably check all your shit anyway. Your pink slip is on the way, I'm sure.
P.S. You are all the least attractive qualities in man to me. Ugliest thing to a tee <3

Um, no, for so many reasons.
1.You called me by a different name when my name is clearly stated on my profile. That is not a goof-up. That is all the nails in your coffin at once.
2. I don't "look cute". I AM GORGEOUS.
3. What did the question mark ever do to you to make you pretend it doesn't exist?
4. I guess life is nice. Maybe I do need some to live.
5. Who's Jeeves?
7. Look forward to you disappear and no send message.

LOL. Well that's what I get for not being more specific, I guess. Least he's honest?
I'll be honest: NO GAME WHATSOEVER. 

No words. Bunk ass fake ass wack ass wannabe sd. If you can't pay your bills, how can you pay me? You think I don't have bills too? You tryna ruin my credit? ...Why are you on here again?...
...I'll wait...